Saturday, July 19, 2008

"If drama was weed,this place would be wasted"

I couldn't resist this quote when I saw it. Don't know where it's from, just saw it on a MTB forum and had to share.
Received my latest issue of Velo News yesterday, low and behold, they printed my letter to the editor in the mag. For those of you that get VN, a couple issues ago, they did an article on Mike Broderick and Mary McConnalog(sp?) and their European racing adventure. VN showed a picture of a VW bus and a timeline of all the mis-haps they had endured, one of them an engine fire which was shown at the front instead of the rear. So I basically wrote a shameless little piece telling them how great the mag was, but also pointed out the error (even going as far as telling them they must have a current or former hippie on staff that could have gotten this correct). Well, they printed it. So if you see the latest VN with George Hincapie on the cover, check it out.
----A little side note, my teammate Steve also had one of his letters printed in the last several months.......weird.
On the cycling front, my training has gone well. I have cut back on the mileage/time in the saddle the last couple weeks since no scheduled races are up for me until the end of August. I was just looking at my training log though, and I haven't had a complete rest day since June 29th. So with almost 3 straight weeks of training, I'm taking today as a complete rest day.
On the racing front, the next event up for me is the first race in Mexico's national marathon series. It's an 80k course in the mountains south of Moneterrey in Iturbide, MX (about 5-6 hrs form here). This should bring out a lot of top riders from Mexico city which sits at about 7,000ft, so you know they are a bunch of mountain goats..... No confirmation yet as to me heading out to the Tahoe Sierra 100 in Sept. Still trying to work out the logistics (basically the $).
That's all for now,

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