Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What the ......

Woke up this morning to no wind.......good, 78 degrees.....OK, but what the heck is this fog crap! It's supposed to be cold when it's foggy, not warm and sticky like my armpits. Trained anyhow, of course, but was a soaking mess at the end of it.
The good news is that gas is dropping like a rock. The bad news, so is my little nest egg I've accumulated over the years.

Finally, my last installment of "what the....." is this sign. Is this the most stupid, wasteful use of our tax dollars or not. I'm sure in the other neighborhoods where they don't post this sign, those parents don't love their children so drive as fast as you want.........right?
These are just various things that go through my head as I train everyday. I won't bore you with all my thoughts, but some of them are worth sharing.


IronGambit said...

why is your blog green now?

Justin Farmer said...

Trying to impress the folks at Ergon.