Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ready for Mohican

Only 1 more day of training before I hit the air for Ohio. I'll get a couple days of preriding in Thurs and Fri before the race sat.
Don is driving over from Indiana to crew for me. This is going to be a huge help, since my better half is not making the trip.
Also have a roommate for the weekend from TX, Scott Henry. Yes, the same Scott that just won the marathon and xc state title in the pro class......my day just got a lot tougher. Scott also ran the Trek/VW TX region team, so I'm sure to meet a lot of people that have been around the cycling "scene" for some time.


331 Miles said...

Good luck! Don't be the "Last of the Mohicans".

IronGambit said...

just don't be last! ;)

Santi said...

Well, I guess since you won't have your Super Crew man up there you have to settle for the next best thing huh? Make sure you get plenty of rest before the race, Don is a quite the party animal. Say hi to him for me and have an awesome race!!!