Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Like what you see?

It's all courtesy of the mad skills of Eddie Arguelles, or "Supercrew" as I like to call him. Ed took on super hero status while crewing for me in 2009 while I went on my no holds barred tour of any and all ultra-endurance races around the country. That year, while Ed was handing up bottles,making sure my nutrition was spot on and bike was in race shape, I just had to pedal. Now, don't get me wrong, my wife did a fantastic job at crew duties as well, but the 6 or so races Ed was at the helm.....I just won, plain and simple. In fact, I think my wife actually despises Eddie for that reason. Well, that and he has Hollywood looks and is all artsy-fartsy making blogs, websites and such.......but back to the point.....
So come , oh, let's say early June or so, Eddie is making a little trip to help man the crew duties once again for a little race called the MO State championships out at Landahl. His skill/luck mojo will be put to the test once again. Just stay out of his way post race if there is a keg tapped, because it will be on!
....and if you want your website/blog to look oh so pro like mine, give me a shout and I can get you in touch with his people.

1 comment:

NecroFerret said...

I second that testament to Eddie's crewing abilities. I'm Eddie friend Eddie Palacios. He crewed me to 1st place this past weekend for the 6hour race in Brownsville. Not sure what I would do if he were not there with updates, cold water and food. Your record still stands for the course. I did 12 laps but with more time.