Sunday, January 8, 2012

Course recon

No, Burnsey, I didn't go out to do any recon for my total domination Sunday night. I headed out to Wyondotte Park to see what I would be up against should I decide to run a little 50k next month.....oh, man!
The loop, which completely circles the lake, is about 10 miles in length, and either up or down......seriously. I checked the race website when I got home because I was pretty wrecked after one loop(I'll have to do 3) and the total elevation gain/loss is just over 2,000 ft per lap. Do the math you knuckleheads.....that's over 6,000 ft of climbing/descending for Kansas!
So lets put this into perspective for those of you that know the terrain where I used to live out in Cali. There was a 50k out there that went for a total of just over 5,000. Granted the climbs were longer, of course,but 6,000ft of climbing no matter how long they are is pretty rough.
The good news is that I've recovered fine from yesterday and looking forward to 2 ball-busting loops next weekend(just because). That is, of course, after ripping up some singletrack tonight....bootleg style!

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