Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fun while it lasted

Now, you all know I love me some bike riding. I may, at times, love a little throw that is, a little more. So, once again, the pirate put on a killer event. Picture 40 or so brave souls racing around the night with only their personal lights to guide the way. None of this stadium lighting crap! In true pirate form, there were just enough "features" to get a guy in trouble. As described in the post by said pirate, I completely cratered myself over a set of barriers near the end of the race. I had been hopping them all night, but when I decided to try and move up a place over them, well.....that 2nd barrier reached up and stopped my front wheel and sent me into a slow motion free fall. And fall I did. More like ate total shit! The first thing to hit was my head, breaking the light on my helmet....or the mount, hell, I haven't looked at my stuff since then. All I know is my headlamp was hanging around my neck when I got to my knees. After the head, then came the 2nd crushing blow of the battery pack(which was in my back jersey pocket) digging into my back as I hit the turf. In typical fashion, I tried to jump right back up, but a bit too woosy, crumpled back to the ground to try and grasp what the heck just happened. Man that hurt......and still does for that matter. Here we are a week later, my neck and shoulder are still all knotted up and my back goes numb if I sit too long. Now I've ridden some stupid technical terrain in my day, but it only takes a couple pieces of wood to take an old man down.......go figure.

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